Watch The Simpsons Episodes Online
Watch The Simpsons Episodes Online
The Simpsons
I was recently watching South Park shows online when I noticed that this particular site also has many other shows I can watch online. Lo and behold there is The Simpsons. It is so cool to find a site where I can watch full episodes of The Simpsons without commercials!
One of my all time favorite Simpson's episodes was Barney Gumble's short film that he created for the Springfield Film Festival, titled Pukahontas. If you are unfamiliar with that episode or the character on The Simpsons, called Barney, he is the town's alcoholic. He enters a film for the festival that is totally unexpected. It follows his life, as it spirals into alcoholism and where he says: "Don't cry for me I am already dead".
At one point in the film, which is in black and white, Barney is surrounded by Lisa Simpson and some other girls and states: I am Barney Gumble and I am an alcoholic", thinking he is at an AA meeting. Lisa Simpson informs Barney that he is at a Girl Scout meeting, when Barney replies: "Is it ? Or is it that you girls cant admit you have a problem."
I think that short film by Barney Gumble on the Simpsons is one of the most memorable cartoons, I think I have ever seen.
I love all the Simpson characters but especially liked the shows within the show. Whether it was Barneys film or the characters, Itchy and Scratchy, or Krusty the Clown, these were truly my favorites. A show has got to be a winner, with theme song lyrics like: They fight, they bite, they bite and fight and bite, bite, bite, bite, fight, fight, fight, the itchy and scratchy show! Regardless, all the characters from the Simpsons are there, whoever your personal favorites are.
I found the site where I watch South Park Episodes online without commercials, but then found it also had Simpsons episodes without commercials and thought I would share it with everyone that isn't aware of it. -Link