Best Bookstores and Libraries in Oklahoma

Best Bookstores and Libraries in Oklahoma

There are many wonderful bookstores in Oklahoma. There are public libraries and there are bookstores where you can buy new books. There are also lots of places where you can buy used books or even trade your books.

The best place for very old and unique books that I ever found in Oklahoma was the second story of an antique shop that has since closed down. Another place that I found a virtual goldmine of antique books was in the basement of a very large Methodist Church.

If you are in the market for books or would just like a good place to go and read a great book for free, I have listed 3 of my personal favorite bookstore and libraries. The places I list below are a good source of books as well as having pleasant staff and atmosphere.

Borders in Norman, Oklahoma is one of my favorite book stores. They have a wide selection of all sorts of books on an amazing amount of subjects. I especially love the atmosphere there. Borders has a small open cafe area where they serve some of the best mocha lattes in town to students reading or using there computers at small tables. Borders is a great place to browse for books.

Other great places for books are the cities of Norman and Moore's public libraries. Both of the libraries have a large selection of books but can also order in books from other public libraries in the area.

Norman Public Library can also borrow books from the University of Oklahoma's library also, the last time I checked. Both of these libraries also offer rows of computers that you can access the internet on. They also have a large amount of great movies on dvd that you can check out. All for free of course!

If you are interested in a good book and you get a chance " check em out" !