How You Can Get More Followers On Twitter

How You Can Get More Followers On Twitter

How To Get Followers

So, you have decided to start tweeting in the world of Twitter and you would like to have followers to tweet to. Or, perhaps you have been on Twitter for some time and you would like to have as many followers as Lady Gaga, Kim Kardashian or Justin Bieber.

Well, unless you are Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber, chances are you will never get a million followers. But don't give up just yet, there are ways to get thousands and thousands of followers on Twitter!

Twitter frowns upon what is called churning. Churning is when you follow people on Twitter in the hopes that they follow you back, so you can then later unfollow them and be left with more followers overall. That's a lot of work and counterproductive because Twitter might ban your account and you are caught up in the middle of people that tend to unfollow a lot. You want followers that will stick.

Get Free Followers

There are some great sites out there that can aid you in following and getting followers. I have found a site called Twiends that I think is a very legitimate site when it comes to getting followers on Twitter. It has been the quickest way to get followers on Twitter that I have found.


Using hash tags, in your tweets is a great way to get followers. Hashtags get your tweets out there and make them available to be read by anyone that is searching or monitoring that particular hashtag. This is a great way to get followers. Although someone might not be following you on Twitter, they might see you and your tweet via the hash tag you are using.

This is an example of a #hashtag - #followfriday

Twitter Buttons

Did you know there are Twitter buttons that you can embed on your site that you can use to tweet that site, but also is capable of suggesting that they also follow you? They are a great way to get your site noticed on Twitter and a great way to get good followers, in the process.

Be Fun And Interesting

Many people get loads of followers by tweeting jokes, poems, interesting items or important current world events that are happening. Just keep on tweeting good stuff and the followers will come.

Tweet Your Hubs!

At the top of each hub on Hubpages is a little blue tweet button. Don't forget to tweet your hubs and tweet your friends hubs or just any great article on Hubpages, that you find. The more actively you use Twitter, the more chances to get followers!