Play 3D Games Online

Play 3D Games Online

Could it be that it's only a matter of time before much of this new use of 3D technology is available for all of us online? There are already a few places online that you can play 3D type games. One is very much like the old asteroids game some of us use to play online.

3D Technology

With the latest use of autostereoscopic technology, It looks as though 3D or the perception of seeing with three dimensional qualities is nearing the horizon. What does this mean? It means that possibly in the near future we will be able to play games and watch things in 3D without using those red and blue glasses. Nintendo has the new 3D game consoles and we are seeing more and more 3D televisions and other 3D entertainment products.


Autostereoscopy is a technology that uses various means to create depth or 3 dimensional images without the use of eye glasses or accessories. Nintendo's new 3DS game consoles incorporate parallax barrier technology, which is autostereoscopic. So far this technology seems to all use a physical or constructed aspect (layering) via design to obtain 3D, but I wonder if somehow this will change to a more digitalized method, sometime in the near future.


As you can see by the Amazon products below there are 3D televisions, 3D camcorders and 3D laptops, already on the market. New games and game players will be coming that will have 3D capability. There is a wide range of applications for 3D and we are starting to see it in many products.

The Future

We are living in an exciting time. There seems to be a major effort on the part of manufacturers of entertainment products to come up with viable 3D equipment and products. It seems to be only a matter of time before 3D technology is refined to a point that its dramatically different than any 3D we have seen before.