What Is The Best Android App?

What Is The Best Android App?

I recently purchased a 9 inch Pandigital Novel color multimedia touchscreen e-Reader from Walmart. It's meant for reading eBooks via Barnes and Noble. I haven't actually used it to read any books yet, because I basically use it to surf the net. It has an android operating system, which means I am able to add android apps. It was about 200 dollars in price. It has automatic screen orientation, which means no matter which way you turn the device, the picture rights itself.

It picks up my router without wiring and will pick up various wi-fi hotspots. There are free internet wi-fi places such as, Mcdonalds, Pizza places and just about everywhere. Some require a password, but they will give it to you if you ask.

Some of the technical obstacles I have encountered was that it couldn't really play much flash, the things that a computer usually takes care of by using adobe services. I overcame these shortcomings, somewhat, by installing Skyfire and Dolphin browser apps, which allows me to watch some Youtube videos and listen to playlist music players by using the pop out players. I still haven't been able to play many internet flash games, so far with it however.

I have tried several android apps. The Pandigital novel doesn't really come with an app store like most other android devices, so I got the Skyfire browser app from the Skyfire site and found a site called Android Freeware Lovers for some of the other apps. Out of all the apps so far that I have tried, I am most impressed with one. Without further ado...

My Favorite App and in my humble opinion the best android app is : drum roll please...

TuneIn Radio

I have loved TuneIn Radio the moment I installed it and ever since. TuneIn radio allows me to select from some of the best radio stations all around the world and also includes my local radio stations. The quality is excellent. I can preset the stations to music such as my favorites "all Pearl Jam or all Pink Floyd stations". TuneIn radio also picks up the dispatch from some of my local Fire Departments and Police Stations. I surf the net (very quickly I might add) while listening to my favorite radio stations, I had never even knew existed before. All on an inexpensive eReader.