Where Can I Store Photos Online?

Where Can I Upload, Backup Or Store Photos Online?

Photographs can be very special to us all. Each photograph is a snapshot of our personal life. Many of us hold these photographs near and dear to us.

Storing photographs, especially large amounts on our computer, can be problematic. They can take up a tremendous amount of space. We would also like to keep backups of these precious memories as well.

One place that allows 25 GB of storage online is SkyDrive. SkyDrive is a Windows Live or Microsoft service. You can upload thousands of photos and videos there and choose who you wish to share them with. To make it easier to upload many photos at once, you can use Silverlight in conjunction with the service.

Another way to store photographs is by using Google's Picasa. It's a program you download that lets you store 1 gigabyte of photographs, which is about 4,000 wallpaper sized photos. Google Picasa has a download for Intel based Macs and a download for Windows XP - Vista and 7.

These are wonderful options for those of us that love photography or those of us that have photographs we wish to keep safely and securely. You can use these services to clear some space on your computer or to have safe backup alternatives to flash drives and external hard drives.

Flash drives and external hard drives can be expensive and are no guarantee at keeping photographs safe and secure. Flash drives and external drives have certain lifetimes and some just don't last that long period. Using Google's and Microsoft's free services are, in my opinion, just as safe of an alternative, than any of these computer products and they are free.

Some online services charge for storing documents, but there is one or two that allow some free storage. One site I found, claims that they will allow you to store 50 GB online for free, but I haven't tried it.

I hope this article helps someone with their photograph needs. Great photography is truly an art form, so it's good to support the arts and artists!