Oklahoma Movie Theaters

Oklahoma Movie Theaters

Sapulpa Cinema 8

The Sapulpa Cinema 8 Theater is a Route 66 movie house. Its a great place to see a movie. Located on the famous Route 66 in Sapulpa, near Tulsa, Oklahoma, the movie theater is colorfully painted and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. If you appreciate a quality place to watch a movie this is the movie theater to go to.

The theater is very well kept and they show some of the best movies.

Crossroads Mall 16

The Crossroads Mall 16 movie theater is located near Crossroads Mall in Oklahoma City. Crossroads in Oklahoma means the junction of Interstate 35 and Interstate 240. The Crossroads Mall 16 movie theater is a handy place to catch a movie if you are a movie buff. They usually have a great selection of movies.

Its very convenient to go to the Crossroads Mall theater because of the accessibility and ease of getting in and out of there. Because it is located near the mall it has plenty of parking space. When you arrive or when you get out of the movie there's not going to be a traffic jam like when happens when a movie is over. Plus you are right near 2 major interstate highways to get you on your way.

Quail Springs Mall 24

The Quail Springs Mall 24 theater has just about any movie that is out. Its in Oklahoma City but very near Edmond as well. Its near West Memorial Road or John Kilpatrick Turnpike in between May avenue and Pennsylvania avenue. They run just about every movie you can think of or desire to see. They also offer up to date or state of the art visual and audio capabilities.

If you are not sure which theater will be playing your movie or you are having a hard time finding out where it is showing? Chances are it will be showing at the Quail Springs Mall 24!

Robinson Crossing 6

The Robinson Crossing 6 movie theater is a great place to see a good movie on a budget. They often have special prices on movies. Sometimes you can catch a gem of a movie there for a very low ticket price. Its a great place to find a future cult movie the larger theaters weren't interested in.

I use to go to their matinees or when the price of the movie would be next to nothing. I would see one movie and then before the next movie I would walk to a local convenience store or fast food place for a quick "reasonably priced" snack and avoid the pricey snack bar. I could see two movies and eat for less than what it takes to see one movie somewhere else! Please don't tell them my trick!